Profile of
Jonathan Heilein

Jonathan P. Heilein

Patent Attorney Candidate

Pharmacist (state examination)
Licensed Apothecary

born in Lahnstein in 1997, studied pharmacy (state examination) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich.

Due to his very good performance in the first state examination, Jonathan Heilein was awarded with the Herbert-Marcinek-Prize 2018 (German language) and was promoted with the Deutschlandstipendium of the Ebner Foundation. After the second state examination, Jonathan Heilein deepened his pharmaceutical knowledge for six monthseach in a public pharmacy as well in the pharmaceutical industry. With the third state examination he was granted the license to practice as an Apothecary.

He has been a patent attorney candidate at  HEILEIN  IP  LAW  since November 2021.

Jonathan Heilein is member of German Pharmaceutical Society e.V. as well as "pharma4u", THE German web platform for pharmaceutical professionals. His main area of technical expertise comprises pharmaceutical science. He is author of the term paper "Coloring with the dyer’s mignonette - potentials of an alternative natural product" (German language).

Languages:   German, English, Latin.

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DPMA Approved for training in the field of intellectual property.

Professional Associations

BLAK Bavarian Chamber of Pharmacists   (Munich)

Scientific / Technical

German Pharmaceutical Society e.V.    (Frankfurt a.M.)

Confessionell / Cooperativ

cgush Christian community Unterschleißheim e.V.   (Unterschleissheim)
fvush Fishing Club Unterschleißheim e.V.   (Unterschleissheim)   - until 31.12.2023


10.02.2015 Foto: Term Paper Term Paper (German language): "Coloring with the dyer's mignonette - potentials of an alternative natural product" , (2015);

Special Award for Renewable Resources of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)", awarded by its project agency, the Agency for Renewable Resources e.V. (FNR) within the framework of the 50th Jugend forscht regional competition Munich-Nord 2015.

More than 25 years of IP Competence since 1996.

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40699 Erkrath
Metro Region Duesseldorf

Tel.: +49 2104 77 65-53
Fax: +49 89 413 29 39-89

Local Office  

Am Stadtgarten 7
71032 Boeblingen
Metro Region Stuttgart

Tel.: +49 7031 2 05 09-35
Fax: +49 89 413 29 39-89

Managing Office

Robert-Bosch-Strasse 22
85716 Unterschleissheim
Metro Region Munich

Tel.: +49 89 3 18 3 76-70
Fax: +49 89 3 18 3 76-90

Head Office

Bezirksstrasse 2
85716 Unterschleissheim
District Munich North

Tel.: +49 89 413 29 39-60
Fax: +49 89 413 29 39-89